I refer to David Williams’s letter (Viewpoints, May 10) in which he states that UKIP talks to the people and clearly listens to them.

How poignant this becomes when readers look at and read Reg Little’s article (Angling to protect) on how the Angling Trust is fighting the installation of a hydro-power plant at Osney Lock, which they say threatens to kill hundreds of fish in that stretch of the Thames, a view countered by those involved with the energy organisation .

It is interesting to see that this project has progressed so far, as it is obvious that local councillors have not listened to the real experts and they are the anglers themselves.

Sadly, we in UKIP were not able to stand a UKIP councillor candidate in Osney and Jericho last week, because if we had been able to, we would have been on the side of the anglers and supported local campaigners similar to those who have won their case in Holland.

As it is, UKIP wishes the Angling Trust good luck in their endeavours.

JOHN MADEN, Oxford UKIP Committee, Montagu Road, Botley