EVERY soldier killed in action whose family profess the Christian faith will expect him or her to be brought back for a Christian burial.

Oxford is noted for the honour and dignity it rightly accords to our fallen heroes.

How odd then, when we have a Christian Queen, who is the sworn defender of her Christian faith, that she should now be expected to continue to be the patron of the Girl Guides in the UK.

It seems that Julie Bentley, the new chief executive of the Girl Guides, has more authority than the Queen, as Julie Bentley has decided that there is no place for God in the guidance she gives to 50,000 Girl Guides.

Apparently, Julie Bentley, the pro-abortionist, ex-Family Planning Association head, is to turn the Girl Guides into “the ultimate feminist organisation” so that a Christian monarch’s belief, and Christian soldiers’ burials, can be dispensed with.

Julie Bentley has also pushed early sex education in schools, placing in danger the sexual health of children by giving them information which they are too young to fully understand and cope with. Her support for abortion has caused many British lives to be lost.

Our soldiers die to defend the lives and freedom of British subjects, and Julie Bentley is taking a huge salary for dismissing our Christian faith.

MRS ALBA THORNING York Road Headington