Sir – The concerns of Keith Beckingham (Letters, June 6) with regard to sewage flooding are shared across the district.

In addition to Brize Norton there have been problems in Carterton, Finstock, Standlake and Tackley.

So far, Thames Water has addressed these problems with short-term solutions rather than investment and has given its customers the impression that they don’t care.

On June 6, members of the district council’s environment overview and scrutiny committee questioned Thames Water at its meeting as to why residents were being treated so poorly and what steps could be taken to resolve the outstanding issues.

Thames Water has now taken the concerns and questions away from the meeting and has promised to respond in writing to the committee within 30 days.

We will publicise these answers and will continue to press for action from Thames Water to resolve the outstanding issues, not least by getting them to work more closely with both the Environment Agency and town planners.

James Mills and Hywel Davies, Chairman and vice-chairman, West Oxfordshire District Council, environment overview and scrutiny committee