Sir – I read with interest about Oxford City Council’s new signs, to encourage cyclists to use Oxford’s north-east cycle route that will make it safer and easier for cyclists to get to and from the city centre.

The council has spent £12,000 on this project and although as a former cyclist I wholly support this initiative, I still get very annoyed that the blue advisory signs are still at the entrances to the Green Road roundabout subways. These are so-called “advisory signs” to ask cyclists to dismount and walk with their bikes, as it is obviously safer for both pedestrians and cyclists given the confined space in these narrow tunnels.

I would suggest that these signs are a complete waste of time as the majority of cyclists ignore these requests and cycle through regardless, putting pedestrians and their own safety in jeopardy.

I would ask city council officers Matt Bates and Stewart Thorp, plus James Styring from Cyclox, to dismount their bikes and try walking through this subway at the height of the rush hour and see if they can walk through easily without some manic cyclist racing past and nearly causing an accident.

I have had a few near misses under there myself.

Stuart Cooper, Headington