IT beggars belief: we are in the 20th century, and what I would like to know is, why aren’t there any toilets in South Parks?

There are always loads of people, students, and more, who use the park when the weather is nice. Thousands of people go there for the fireworks show, the concert and fair and other functions. So, where do people go if they need the toilet? I’ll tell you – they go behind trees. That’s ok, except they can be seen from the houses. This is quite disgusting. Most people have children who can witness this as well. The lack of toilets has been brought to the council’s attention a number of times. They don’t seem interested. Perhaps the council should build these toilets before we hear that they have lost thousands of pounds on any more of their hare-brained ideas. Perhaps some councillor can give an answer to my letter. We are told we can get fined for not picking up dog mess – yet it seems humans can do it in the park and get away with it.

MR P. HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton Estate, Headington