Picture 1 Baton-twirling majorettes brightened up Saturday shopping when they put on a display in the town centre in 1986. The girls aged from five to 14 ran through some of their spectacular routines outside the town hall to attract people inside to a fundraising jumble sale and coffee morning. They also invited passersby to lay coins on the town hall steps. Money went to the town hospital’s bed-lift appeal and to buy new uniforms for the girls.

Picture 2 Volunteers pedalled 350 miles to raise money for charity in 1987 – without moving an inch. Their marathon was confined to the town hall steps as they took to the saddle of an exercise bike. The event, organised by the town’s Rotaract Club, Rotary Club and Inner Wheel Circle, raised £1,000 to be shared by Polio Plus, the town’s day centre, and the Helen House and Katharine House hospices in Oxford and Adderbury respectively.

Picture 3 The Villager bus service, which served 50 villages around Chipping Norton, was flourishing, carrying 1,000 passengers a month, when this picture was taken in 1987. The first bus, an old builder’s van with wooden seats, ran in 1982. Five years later, the service had two minibuses and business was booming, with 16 routes well supported by fare-paying passengers. The picture shows driver Robert Sharp about to start a journey.