I AM writing in response to the recent article about Co-op nurseries. I have found myself getting more annoyed about it.

The article seems to suggest that the previous Petit Enfant nurseries received an inadequate Ofsted report and after that, the Co-op replaced the management to improve the Ofsted grading. This is simply not the situation.

At Carterton, for example, the old manager gained a good Ofsted report and then left the nursery. Then the existing Petit Enfant deputy manager also received a good Ofsted report. It was only after the Co-op put in their new management that they received an inadequate Ofsted report.

What is more, Ofsted came to Carterton Co-op Nursery and gave them 30 days to improve and be inspected again. In that time, they had a sharp-shooting Co-op team come in to improve the situation, which, I repeat, was good under Petit Enfant, and still Ofsted gave them an inadequate Ofsted rating.

For all their goodwill, Fairtrade spiel, the Co-op appear to constantly want to pass the buck, which should actually be put squarely on them.

L SAVAGE, Elmhurst Way, Carterton