Sir – It is encouraging in the wider interests of democratic accountability, that Eric Pickles (Conservative), is considering making council meetings come under scrutiny of both public and press.

A few years ago, at a local planning meeting (no press), our application was brusquely turned down, while straight afterwards that of Eynsham Hall and Park was provisionally given. This application involved the entry of sizeable increases in the number of vehicles to the park, thereby not only increasing revenue for itself, but to its detriment, adding to the potential traffic hazards on the nearby A4095, a road which traffic does “thunder” along.

On that day, matters were being handled by Barry Norton, present leader of the council, who sought assurances from Eynsham Hall that they could have what they wanted on condition that they would pay for, and install, satisfactory safety features and traffic calming that would meet requirements.

Recently, while passing Eynsham Hall entrance, through the trees, I could discern a considerable volume of parked vehicles, but sadly no evidence whatsoever of changes to the road outside. Roll on Mr Pickles, we all united over this one.

Christopher Watts, Carterton