Sir – So now, thanks to Ken Weavers, we have an ABC of Creation. Creator C created creator B who created creator A, who created the universe with our and all the other innumerable galaxies, our star, the sun, and all the hundred thousand million other stars in our galaxy, planet earth and all of us.

What about an A to Z of Creation, not to mention infinite regress? Which of these possible creators or creators of creators might it be useful or good to pray to or give thanks to? Mutually incompatible ideas of creators supposedly concerned with our personal and collective lives cause endless unnecessary discord, division, unhappiness and violence on this beautiful planet that is home to all of us.

It’s time to do without such ideas and just hope, wish and be thankful, while also, of course, as all religions instruct, doing our best to treat others as we would like to be treated in similar circumstances.

Dane Clouston, Stadhampton