THE East Oxford Area Planning Committee meeting (September 24) regarding outline planning permission for the Barton build was a sham.

Murray Hancock (Oxford city officer) informed councillors that the meeting was too short notice for Thames Water to attend. They were not coming and were confident of a satisfactory solution.

In fact, Thames Water has failed to provide any evidence of its sewage disposal provision suggested operating successfully anywhere.

About 2,500 people are expected to reside on the development, despite councillors Mick Haines (Marston Independent), David Williams (Green), Michael Gotch (Lib Dem), Ruth Wilkinson (Lib Dem) and Mary Clarkson (Lab) raising concerns including investigating ground contamination before granting permission.

Thames Water, a private company, apparently isn’t due to investigate until 2020. Convenient, as the build is due from 2015 until 2019. Colin Cook announced: “People who move into new developments buy more cars.” Obvious, because people have to squeeze more bodies into properties to be able to reside in Oxford – hence the appearance of more cars.

Simple. Outline planning permission was swiftly granted, ignoring councillors. David Williams abstained regarding unsatisfactory assurances.

How can councillors’ votes be legally binding as the meeting no detailed minutes were scribed, and requests to film or record the meeting were rejected.

This is not democracy, it appears to me. Councillors cannot be held responsible for the glaring gaps in infrastructure provsion. Councillors must be free from mob-rule politics to ensure the public’s health and well-being. ELAINE BENNETT

Marston Road
