I LIVE in the St Ebbe’s area and welcome the plans to improve our area through the new Westgate Centre and related improvements along Oxpens Road.

The latter will double the local resident population and, alongside an extension to the railway station, greatly increase the economic, social and transport activity for those who live in, work in and visit the area.

So when the leader of the county council says that there will be ‘improvements to public transport, cycling and walking’, including the closure of Queen Street to buses (September 27), does he mean the kettling of buses and coaches along my bit of the city, Thames Street and Norfolk Street?

Our local traffic count here already has over 120 buses an hour along the streets adjacent to the new Westgate. Are more planned?

Whatever happened to the ‘tree-lined boulevard’ concept for Oxpens Road opening up access the Thames? Or do we local yokels settle for being the backside of a super new Westgate?

When visitors arrive at the railway station, or from the south of Oxford by bus or car, does councillor Ian Hudspeth want them to avoid this bus, lorry, car-jammed area?

I fully support a ‘more pleasant environment’ for Queen Street but not at the expense of other parts of the city centre which are also adjacent to the new Westgate.

Margaret Maden, Dale Close, Oxford