AS you may be aware I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a shock for any man but luckily for me they were able to treat it and my doctors say I am doing well. But for 10,000 men every year the outcome is fatal.

That’s why I have signed up to Prostate Cancer UK’s new campaign Men United v Prostate Cancer – a growing movement formed to hit back against the injustice which is faced by men with the disease. I want to help change the statistics – that one man every hour dies from prostate cancer in the UK.

Thousands of people have already signed up. Now we must use our voices to campaign for more research funding, better diagnosis, better treatments and better education about men’s risks and their rights when it comes to prostate cancer – this will undoubtedly save lives.

As a first action, let’s try to reverse the recent illogical decision by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to restrict access to a life-extending prostate cancer drug – enzalutamide. This drug is available to men in Scotland without the same restrictions, we need your help to ensure it’s made equally available throughout the UK. Men at the end of their life need more options not fewer.

Every day when I wake up I know that I’m lucky to be here. But I want luck to be left out of the equation in future. Men United aims to save lives. It’s a team I’m proud to be part of. By acting as a team we will have more impact and improve the lives of every man with prostate cancer. I call on readers to search Men United and sign up without delay.

SIR MICHAEL PARKINSON, (pictured) Champion, Prostate Cancer UK Tooley Street, London

http://www.prostatecancer Readers can help challenge NICE’s decision by visiting: www.prostatecancer