NICK Duval (May 16) misunderstands my concern about development in the fields behind The Moors in Kidlington. This area is one of the least spoiled parts of the Green Belt around Kidlington and is well used by residents for recreation. If new housing comes, this is one of the last sites that should be considered. There are other sites – for example, the old rugby field on Langford Lane – that should be used in preference.

Furthermore, Kidlington doesn’t really need more executive-style homes that will attract well-heeled migrants from other parts of the country. What we actually need is affordable homes for local people.

Interestingly, one coincidence is nowhere mentioned in Mr Duval’s letter. It so happens that Mr Duval has a pub close to the north-western end of The Moors that would be less than half-a-mile from the nearest part of the development.

CHRIS ROBINS (Cllr), Foxdown Close, Kidlington


Today’s letters

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