OLIVER Cromwell has been branded as a dictator and, if this is so, the trade unions, for instance, have a right to mark the ‘Levellers’ occasion by marching every year, in May, in Burford.

As 80 per cent of our laws, rules, regulations and directives now come from Brussels, which hosts the main offices of the EU, we can say that Britain is being dictated to by unelected bureaucrats in another country.

Therefore, we can now begin to see the trade unions marching in our streets to save Britain from further encroaching imperial rule from Brussels.

Oswald Mosley, Britain’s leading fascist in the 1930s, also supported the idea of a federal European Union; and we all know the outcome of creeping fascism in the ’30s. It took six years to win a war (did we really?) which should never have happened in the first place.

The cost to benefits (if any) ratio of being in the EU is about 3:1. (More can be found on the economics issue in a booklet, How Much Does the European Union Cost Britain?

This surely is bad business. A private company would have disappeared long since.

UKIP Oxford
Montagu Road




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