MAY I comment on ‘A private group would have disappeared by now’ (Letters, May 30).

John Maden is a friend and former fellow officer of Oxford and District Trades Union Council.

I was also delegated to help organise Levellers Day.

This is an important part of our national democratic heritage and is relevant today, not least to the Labour Movement.

As a supporter of Socialist Resistance, I would agree that the so-called Second World War ‘should never have happened in the first place’.

But if more of us had fought Oswald Mosley as our comrades did in the Town Hall, not to mention Germany, we’d have had a better chance of stopping the war and making a better peace for England and Europe.

Their booklet, How Much Does the European Union Cost Britain? contains much useful information, as does our Behind the EU Crisis. Both in different ways reflect the democratic deficit.

The EU is bad for business and us. However, this does not necessarily mean we need another referendum. Arguably Scotland has always been an ‘independent’ country.

After all, ‘consultation’ is supposed to be an ongoing two-way process.

Weyland Road

Today’s letters

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