HOW many of us have been told by a relative that in the good old days this or that was better than today?

I’m not a technophobe but youngsters are dependent on their electronic gadgets these days and seem to lack imagination to do things without them. It is having an impact on people’s general social skills.

When you used to get on a bus, years ago, you would sometimes strike up a conversation with someone.

Unfortunately, these days, you either have a tinny sound of someone’s music, or hear the ins and outs of someone’s life while they have a conversation on the 'phone.

How many times have you walked along the road and thought that someone was talking to you, only to find they have something plugged into their ear?

As my parents said to me years ago, I wouldn’t want to be a youngster today.

Yes, the technology is amazing and the kids of today do have better opportunities than when I was younger, but at least I could get a mortgage and have my own home. The way things are going, youngsters of today will either have to rent, live with their parents or have 50-year mortgages and never really own their own home.

Yep, in the good old days...

Marston Road

Today’s letters

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