FROM recent decisions made by Oxfordshire County Council, they obviously consider Bicester to be the dumping ground for ill thought-out and often destructive plans.

Bicester is supposed to be heading for the fine ideals of an ‘eco-town’ or a ‘garden city’, with an emphasis on well designed public transport, walking and cycling. The county council, without any consultation with the residents of Bicester, is going to impose the cheap option for the mess that is Middleton Stoney Road, Bicester.

First we had the inappropriate and ill-signed speed restriction fracas and now we are going have the eyesore and vehicle damaging imposition of 16 road humps.

As to promoting cycling and walking; no nice separate cycle lane or footpath that befits the eco-town requirement, but painted white lines which are supposed to delineate the cycle lane from the motor vehicles on this relatively narrow road.

No footpath at all, putting cyclists in the gutter along with all the rubbish, broken road edges and floods, will do nothing to encourage anyone to use this road for cycling, let alone the danger of motorists swerving to avoid the road humps.

John Broad, Mallards Way, Bicester

Today’s letters

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