BARTON residents could soon become the most pampered people in Oxford as the estate could play host to regular free therapy sessions.

About 120 residents got pedicures, manicures and all manner of massages at Barton Neighbourhood Centre last week.

At the event - which was organised by Community Association secretary Sue Holden - visitors were able to try out more than a dozen different types of therapy free or at a nominal cost of just £1.

Mrs Holden said the day had proved to be hugely popular. She said: "It was superb. Fantastic.

"We had a really healthy lunch featuring lots of fresh fruit and also enjoyed a performance from a singing group.

"People were leaving feeling totally lifted, refreshed and rejuvenated."

She added: "The reflexology and the aromatherapy massages were the most popular, because they're just so relaxing and people don't often get to try them."

Sharon Keene, from Barton, who attended the day said: "It was fantastic. I felt like I was floating down the stairs after my Reiki and reflexology sessions."

Although the day was mainly for women, Mrs Holden said a couple of men also came along.

She said: "I did see two men sneak in but we thought they deserved to try the treatments for being brave enough to come."

Following the success of the day, which was partly funded by the Oxford Federation of Community Associations, Mrs Holden said she was planning to hold therapy sessions every month.

She said: "We have opened the doors to therapies and treatments for lots of people.

"They would not normally get the chance to do this and that's a shame, but these treatment days will make it accessible to everyone. We are looking at doing therapy days now on a monthly basis, using several local people, so everyone should be walking around Barton looking very pampered."

Mrs Holden came up with the idea after a group of girls expressed an interest in trying a variety of treatments.