A MEMORIAL service will be held next month for a chemist who spent much of his career in Oxford.

Paul Kent was formerly Dr Lee's Reader in Chemistry at Oxford University and had a long association with it.

Dr Kent was born in Doncaster in 1923, attended Doncaster Grammar School and studied at the University of Birmingham, where he achieved his BSc degree in 1944 and a PhD in 1947.

He spent a year at Princeton University in the United States and then arrived in Oxford as a university demonstrator in biochemistry, associated with Jesus College.

He joined Christ Church College in 1955, initially as a lecturer, then as a student and a tutor and in 1956, he was appointed to the Dr Lee's Reader position.

Dr Kent’s research focussed on aspects of carbohydrate chemistry and, in his retirement, he renewed interest in fluorinated carbohydrates.

During his time at Christ Church Dr Kent played a major role in establishing its Graduate Common Room.

Dr Kent left Oxford in 1972 to become master of Van Mildert College at Durham University, a position which he held until he retired in 1982.

He died on March 7, 2017.

The memorial service will be held on February 23 at 2.30pm in Christ Church Cathedral.

Following that, there will be a reception in the Great Hall. All are welcome.