Paying off the mortgage is the first priority for Bruce and Elaine Blyth, from Chinnor, who have won £105,503 on the National Lottery.

"It's a real dream come true," said Mr Blyth, 49, a flight engineer.

Mrs Blyth, 46, a teaching assistant at Chinnor's Mill Lane School, said: "This was a lovely amount to win, enough to give us some security, but not enough to go silly with."

They have not yet decided how to spend the rest of the cash.

Mrs Blyth checked the numbers on Teletext late on Saturday.

Mr Blyth said: "When she saw the numbers she must have asked me five times to read them out. Then we went online and checked - and after that we were absolutely ecstatic."

The couple buy a selected number ticket and a Lucky Dip a week, the chosen one winning. Mrs Blyth said: "Those numbers had some significance when we first used them 12 years ago, but I've long forgotten what they were about."