At the weekends, Jongleurs puts on completely brilliant stand-up comedy to any Oxford punters who can see what fantastic value it provides for an evening out.

I myself have been before on such a night. You pay about £12 for the entire evening, for which you receive a meal - good size portions of standard burger & chips - and then comedians so funny that you laugh until tomato ketchup comes pouring out of your nose. Even if you haven't eaten ketchup.

When I went, I saw one of the funniest comedians I've ever seen.

This is what you've got to remember; they're not the Jim Davidsons of this world.

You know, the ones that you wish could somehow be strapped to a missile and fired directly into the sun along with all the misogynistic old men that laugh at their terrible jokes. If this happened, the world would be a better place and thousands of worn down housewives would breathe a giant, collective sigh of relief.

No, the comedians at Jongleurs are of the highest calibre.

They are up-and-coming and some will one day be very, very famous indeed.

The guy I saw wanted to let the crowd decide which direction he should take the show - clever or crude? So he told two jokes. One was rude and got lots of laughs. The second was this: Sometimes I want to assassinate Franz Ferdinand...just to see what would happen'.

My friend and I laughed hysterically while the rest of the room fell silent and looked at us with disdain.

Where am I going with this? I'm trying to tell you of the pleasures of Jongleurs up until the hour of 11 o'clock.

After the comedy is over, you're invited to stay in the establishment for a club night. All I can say is - be afraid, be very afraid.

This is the night that I went to review last Friday.

A good percentage of the crowd seemed to be lager lads on stag nights.

They wore bright yellow T-shirts and caused general drunken mayhem.

Let's face it, stag nights are only fun to be on. They are most definitely no fun to be in the same pub/club/one kilometre vicinity as - no exception!

They were completely hammered and there was nothing to do except desperately avoid eye contact.

Another good percentage of the room was made up of cackling, toothless old women - laughing as though they were witches around a cauldron.

The drinks prices are incredibly low for a Friday night out in the centre of town.

If I can remember correctly it was £1.50 for a pint of lager and a similar price for a spirit & mixer. I really suggest going to Jongleurs for the show at the weekend, then accepting the invitation to stay after the comedy.

But only to take advantage of the really cheap booze for as long as you can stand it and then head elsewhere! This won't be long. A room of people who will probably be seen on the next Booze Britain' documentary - I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it really was that cringe worthy...