I can’t believe I only have six weeks to go. The nursery is finished, so we’re ready. My hospital bag is even packed! I had my midwife check up this week and all is well – my iron levels (from previous blood test) and
blood pressure are both really good and I’m measuring at 35cm which is about right.

Still no sign of any stretch marks so I’m really relieved – the cocoa butter oil is working! Although my belly is itchy at the moment so I think it’s definitely stretching away!

Had eight girlfriends for dinner on Tuesday – luckily my husband was on hand to help - I’m just not as organised at the moment – I didn’t get home until 6pm after a meeting and last minute dash to the shops searching Abingdon for potatoes. With everyone arriving at seven, dinner, cleaning and a cake to make in an hour, I must admit there were a few pregnancy emotion tears.

I started my own PR business at the start of this year and have been really busy getting it off the ground. My husband thinks it’s time I started taking it a bit easier so I gave in this week and had a sleep at 5.30pm for
an hour on two days, it was bliss! I’m also trying to go swimming twice a week – it really helps keep the aching legs away – swimming would definitely be my top tip for anyone during pregnancy, I wish I’d started going much
earlier on.

The best news this week – we’re going on holiday! Just a night away but we’re going to Brighton today, again my husbands idea – I can’t wait!