Sir – I attended a public display of the proposed plans to build a new children’s home on the site of the existing Thornbury House, Kidlington.

After attending the display I was more than happy with the proposed plans. What did annoy me was the somewhat ‘hidden’ agenda of also proposing to use further land behind this site to build a new housing estate.

Having queried this with four different professionals there I ended up with four totally different replies.

One council employee said it was the council’s way of getting back the money they have granted for the revamped children’s home.

Another parish councillor re-assured me this would never happen as the surrounding land was green belt and therefore it would be impossible to build a new access road into this estate.

An architect there said that these plans had been in the pipeline for some time, but then backtracked when I said having phoned the planning office late last year they assured me there were no long-term building plans for any land in or around The Moors area.

Finally the attending planning and development officer seemed pretty confident the houses would be built and was already looking into the possibilities of building an access road off The Moors, close to the pond, knocking down listed walls and buildings, cutting down protected trees and ploughing through Green Belt land!

When asked how we might be told if planning permission was to be submitted I was told notices would go up on local lamp posts!

A great many residents like me are now more concerned with these possible future plans being squeezed in ‘under the radar’ than the initial plans being proposed for the children’s home. Who, I ask, were we to believe or indeed trust?

Mike Harris, Kidlington