SCHOOLCHILDREN experimented with forces of nature during a week focusing on science.

Pupils at Cumnor Primary School spent last week carrying out activities on the theme of Science Around Us.

All 220 pupils at the school took part in events aimed at getting children excited about science.

Science co-ordinator Lucy Driver said: “The children were really enthusiastic.”

Children took part in hands-on experiments in forces, light, and earth and space, which involved exploring pushing and pulling, friction, magnets and looking at the way light is reflected and refracted.

Eight-year-old Tom Millin said: “I liked all of it, especially when the rockets went off and the balloons were whizzing about.”

Emma-Rose Bouffler, eight, added: “I loved it when we saw the fish in the explorer dome, it felt as if we were really under water.”

Bethan Kitson, also eight, said: “When they made a picture of one of the boys’ faces with the iron filings, it was really funny.”