DAREDEVIL Karen Brooker raised £250 for charity in memory of her disabled son by overcoming her fear of heights and abseiling down the John Radcliffe Hospital on Sunday.

Mrs Brooker, pictured, completed the feat dressed as Spiderman.

The 44-year-old, of Hardings Strings, Didcot, said: “I am petrified of heights and it took me a little while to get down.

“I dangled a bit at the beginning and wouldn’t let go of the rope, but I got down in the end. It was scary but worth it. I really want to do it again.”

She decided to raise funds for the Abingdon group of Riding for the Disabled because her son Shane, who died 10 years ago aged nine, suffered from cerebral palsy.

Riding for the Disabled provides riding opportunities for people with disabilities.

The charity is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and has 500 groups across the country.

For details, visit rda.org.uk tshepherd@oxfordmail.co.uk