Housing association tenants will be able to drop in at a special surgery in Abingdon this week to discuss their concerns.

Abingdon police will join Vale Housing Association staff to hold the session at the Family Centre in Caldecott Road on Thursday.

Corry Walker, the area housing officer for the district, will be joining the beat officer for south Abingdon, PC Suzanne Poole, at the surgery.

Mrs Walker said: "Our tenants have told us that they would welcome a surgery close to where they live. This should help people whose commitments mean it is difficult to make a special visit to our offices in the centre of town." The surgery is the latest of a series of initiatives in which the police and housing association listen to local issues and take a co-ordinated approach to any problems.

Insp Robin Rickard said: "All sorts of issues have been brought to the attention of the police that people would ordinarily not attend the police station to report.

"I would encourage people, particularly those that live in south Abingdon to visit the surgery next Thursday and make the most of it. It will be a great opportunity for people to meet on a one-to-one basis with both local police and housing staff."

Thursday's session will run between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.