A community newspaper launched to provide local news for the Leys areas of Oxford has won a £3,000 cash boost.

Oxford City Council's employment and economic development committee granted the cash to the scheme, which provides the people of Blackbird Leys and Greater Leys with information and advice about local projects.

But the money given to the Leys News was at the expense of the Prince's Trust, which officers had earmarked for £5,000.

The trust had asked for the sum for a mentoring scheme for young entrepreneurs, but councillors decided the Trust could raise its own funds.

Leys News - backed by the Oxford Mail, whose publishers Newsquest (Oxfordshire) Ltd produce the paper in Osney Mead, Oxford - had asked for £6,000. Officers had recommended only £1,000 be granted but councillors argued the newspaper, based at Kingfisher Green, Blackbird Leys, was a worthy cause and raised the figure.

Al Cane, development worker for Leys News, said it was beyond his wildest dreams.

"It is brilliant news, a wonderful vote of confidence in the project," he said.

Mr Cane said the cash would be used to involve more local people in the paper's production and buy new office equipment.