Children at a village school enjoy their work and are enthusiastic, according to Ofsted inspectors.

Governors at St Kenelm's CE primary school, Minster Lovell, are delighted with the praise from a team of inspectors which visited the school in January

It was one of 40 schools across the county previously identified as having serious weaknesses and needing a boost in standards.

The latest three-day inspection now takes it off the list.

Governors' chairman Ms Rowena Feilden said: "Staff have put a great deal of hard work into the school since the last inspection two years ago.

"The governors are pleased with the progress that the school has made."

St Kenelm's has three classes catering for five to eleven-year-old boys and girls.

Bob Alder, the headteacher, said: "We are delighted that the report states that pupils are enthusiastic and enjoy working.

"Their positive attitudes and behaviour is a significant feature of the school."

The inspectors also found that standards in English were better than average.

In maths and science they are "at least as good as expected."