Car parks in south Oxfordshire will stay under council control for the next five years.

But under new Government rules, the possibilities of a private operator taking over will be looked into.

The district council is not bound to provide car parks, and that means it must constantly monitor whether it is right to keep on doing so.

The council has 20 car parks - 14 in towns and six in villages -15 of which are pay and display.

The income from them pays for car park maintenance.

Over the last decade the council has taken in more than £2.7m and had to pay out only £1.9m on extra car parking, resurfacing, bay lining and upgrading ticket machines.

Watlington councillor Tim Horton told the community services committee: "Our car parks look better, feel safer and are safer, and they make a significant contribution to the economic and environmental health of our towns and villages."

Cllr Patrick Greene said: "The council has an efficient car parking policy and we should maintain that control, not give it away to an outside firm."

He said the council should put a halt on any increase in parking charges across the district.

This year the council plans to spend £43,000 upgrading its car parks at Wheel Orchard in Goring, Castle Street in Wallingford and Hill Road in Watlington as part of its planned maintenance programme.