Endangered species of reptiles are being conserved, thanks to work at Burford's Cotswold Wildife Park.

Some of them are seeing the world for the first time - as babies born in captivity. Among them are six infant red-footed tortoises born over Christmas and New Year.

Their natural habitat, the South American rainforest, is under threat and they are also in danger from a growing pet trade.

Another newcomer is an 6ft-long Asian water monitor - a type of lizard - who this week was being filmed for a new TV series on giant animals.

Marc Ormond, senior reptile keeper, and his assistant, Anna Russell, are in charge of making sure the creatures have just the right weather conditions.

"They are very sensitive creatures and part of our job is to ensure their environment is spot on. They wouldn't survive for long outside," said Mr Ormond.

He added the warm reptile house was also a welcome refuge for human visitors at this time of year.