Churches in Abingdon have hit out at plans to end free parking on Sundays and evenings.

A petition is being raised in protest at a proposal to introduce charges as part of a plan by the Vale of White Horse District Council to save £1m from April.

Some elderly and frail worshippers are driven into Abingdon to attend St Nicolas' Church, near the Market Place.

Cars park close to the church in Abbey Close which, like all council-run car parks in the Vale district, is free on Sundays and during the evenings. Church warden Andrew Coker said people who offered lifts to others would be penalised for being Good Samaritans.

He said: "We all pay enough in council tax without a tax on God now being inflicted upon us."

Worshippers at St Helen's Church use the West St Helen Street car park.

Church warden Malcolm Harvey said: "We are drawing up a petition to hand to the council at its budget meeting next month."

The vicar of St Nicolas, the Rev Dr Peter Doll, said: "Charges would penalise parishioners and the churches. If people have to pay for parking then they would put less money in the collections." The deputy leader of the council, Tony de Vere, denied the proposal was a "tax on God" although he recognised that there were "genuine and valid" concerns that would be taken into account before a decision was taken.

Mr de Vere said: "I have had letters and emails asking the council to reconsider and we shall give proper consideration to the comments."