EVERYONE is pleased – including Vim Rodrigo and Peter Wilkinson (Oxford Mail letters) that Rose Hill is getting a direct bus service to Templars Square.

And I’d add my thanks to Peter, Vim and particularly Bus Users UK for everything they’ve done. Vim asks what councillors did. I can only speak for myself. We responded to the consultation on the county council’s proposed criteria for funding subsidised bus services, as an area committee.

I repeatedly raised the issue with Stagecoach and also wrote to Oxford Bus Company. I responded to the consultation on the new tender for bus services. I set up a separate meeting with county council officers to discuss the issue in more detail and lobby for a service. I had a long meeting with Stagecoach to encourage them to tender, and emphasised the local interest in the service.

Although work commitments prevented me from attending the decision meeting, I lobbied a county council cabinet member in advance and know my colleague John Sanders spoke at that meeting.

Subsequently, I’ve been in touch with Stagecoach about through-ticketing and timetabling to the hospitals.

I hope that rather than analysing the decision-making process, everyone will now rally round to publicise and encourage as much use of this excellent new service, which is due to start on June 7.

ED TURNER, Councillor, Rose Hill and Iffley ward, Oxford City Council