SO, GORDON Brown has promised, in Labour’s manifesto, to lead the country on “the road to a better and fairer Britain for all!” (Oxford Mail, April 13).

Excuse me Mr Brown, but if you hadn’t noticed, you are already the PM of our country.

You have already had the power to make it a better and fairer Britain for all. Why wait to be re-elected to put your plan into action?

Besides, how many years have you been PM? Wasn’t that long enough to lead us on “the road”?

I tell you what, Mr Brown, I would be happy if you pulled troops out of Afghanistan, stopped spending billions on new Trident nuclear submarine systems, and scrapped ISAs by making every savings account tax free.

We already pay tax on the money earned by working, so why tax us again, when we want to save for our future?

Oh for goodness sake, Mr Brown, get out of that chair... and let me sit in it!


Williamson Way,

Rose Hill,
