Sir – We are pleased to read of the planned changes to the Oxford station site (Report, April 15). Greater capacity on the railways has to move traffic from the roads, reduce the pressure on ticket prices and limit the emissions resulting.

However we do have a number of caveats. The first is that the county council refuses to engage in joined-up planning once again: we do not yet know what plans there are for changing the dire situation in Frideswide Square. These two major changes are intricately linked and it is impossible to wholeheartedly support the development of the station without knowing how it fits with other changes.

Currently the provision for cyclists and pedestrians wanting to get from the station to the centre is non existent.

With all the talk of gateways into the city, little seems to be thought about the millions of pedestrians who reach Oxford, only to be confronted by some of the worst town planning around.

Cyclists are treated as second-class citizens and pedestrians have to compete for space on dangerously narrow pavements.

Like Cyclox we believe that imaginative solutions are needed which offer some real advantages to people who don’t want to use their cars. Perhaps it time to encourage the county to reveal its much heralded plans for Frideswide Square before we get too excited about the station.

Sam Clarke, For Friends of the Earth Oxford