This is not a traditional pasty recipe, as it doesn’t contain meat and the filling is cooked before being wrapped in pastry and then baked. It is, however, a great dish to cook if you have loads of summer vegetables in the kitchen that you don’t know what to do with. The vegetables can be all cooked together in a frying pan to which a little olive oil has been added. But to get the best out of them some can be cooked separately.

For example, if you have carrots to add to the mix, by boiling them in salted water to which a little sugar or honey has been added, their sweetness will be enhanced. And by cutting new potatoes into cubes and boiling them in salted water to which a couple of sprigs of mint have been added, you have another positive flavour to add to the pasty.

YOU WILL NEED 8oz (225g) shortcrust pastry 12oz (350g) summer vegetables to include: peas, runner beans, carrots, spring onions, new potatoes, tomatoes and anything else you have at hand.

Two sprigs of mint Two or three sprigs of parsley A little olive oil to fry vegetables One egg — beaten Salt and freshly-ground black peppercorn to season.

Method: Turn the oven to 200C/400F or gas mark 6.

Prepare the pastry, then wrap it in cling film and chill until needed.

Prepare the vegetables, cutting and chopping them all into very small bite sizes. Chop the parsley fine.

Boil the potatoes with the mint and drain when cooked.

Boil the carrots in sugar or honey and drain when cooked.

Add oil to a large frying pan and bring to medium heat, adding the chopped vegetables that take longest to cook first, leaving vegetables such as tomatoes and peas until the end. Stir the potatoes and carrots into the mix.

Adjust seasoning and remove from heat once cooked, stirring in the chopped parsley. Set to one side and allow to cool.

Roll the pastry until it is as thick as a pound coin, and cut four circles as large as a tea plate – using the tea plate as a guide.

Brush the sides of each circle with the beaten egg, divide the vegetable mix between the four circles, fold together, pinch the sides to secure filling inside, brush with the egg wash and bake or at least 20 minutes, or until they have turned a delicious golden brown.