OVER the past few years, myself and other current and former East Oxford Green Party Councillors worked hard to transform Cowley Road.

We did this by introducing new wider pavements, trees, outdoor cafe seating, benches, bike racks and lower speed limits.

This was achieved with the full support of local traders like Mr Rahman who is now, not surprisingly, annoyed at how the cleaning of the street is being neglected by the city council (Oxford Mail, August 9).

For John Tanner to try to now blame the same traders for the state of the street is insulting.

Yes, there are a few traders who flout the rules on waste handling, and they should be warned and fined. But in this aspect Cowley Road is no different from any other commercial street.

Mr Tanner should instead divert more of the council’s resources to keeping Cowley Road clean, and work with local traders rather than trying to shift the blame.

Craig Simmons Former city and county Green Party councillor Magdalen Road Oxford