Yes, the vandals should not have stolen copper wires which led to delays for rail commuters, but Keith Mitchell sadly deserves a more incisive title not of just moron, but pompous prig too.

I too could use other words to describe his actions – as the Tories have, under his leadership, chosen to steal away vital social services from the most vulnerable elderly residents in Oxfordshire, such as regular daily access to wardens, who were employed to make sure that residents were safe and had a helping hand if they needed it, yet Mr Mitchell exudes a self-importance which he does not deserve due to his deplorable actions.

No commuters were at risk of losing their lives when they faced delays due to the vandalism, so the first person who should actually be reminded of his thoughtless cruel actions is Keith Mitchell .

I know many hundreds of our elderly residents may agree with me that a session in the stocks is too light a punishment for Mr Mitchell in relation to the risks he has exposed them to.

However, if he did a session in the stocks for the rest of the year, he may gain a conscience and recognise the damage he is doing to our county.

When someone dies as a result of the Tory cuts, aided and abetted by the Lib Dems, as a result of Labour Government mismanagement, Mr Mitchell may recognise how he has presided over and encouraged vandalism of our social services.

Alison Williams, London Rd, Headington, Oxford