So, cameras have been switched off, and speeding has increased (Oxford Mail, September 13).

Is anyone really surprised?

But this is rather missing quite an interesting point as when I looked at the data comparing three years data at three sites before and after speed cameras were installed and it shows that at two out of the three sites (Nuneham Courtenay and Cumnor Hill) the accident rate actually increased.

There were seven accidents in the last three years at Nuneham Courtenay compared to two before cameras and three fatal/serious accidents at Cumnor Hill compared to none previously.

The powers that be have clearly been very good at brainwashing us into believing that speed cameras save lives, haven't they?

The point of the cameras is allegedly to save lives and reduce accidents, but on this evidence they are not working. So speeding is not really the issue. For once it seems our elected representatives might have got it right in withdrawing funding.

I am not totally against speed cameras - some (not all) serve a useful purpose. Perhaps if they had done some proper analysis and not spent (wasted) £300,000 on signage etc for ridiculous 20mph speed limits across Oxford, there would be some money left to provide those cameras where there is a benefit.

Otherwise we now have redundant speed cameras and redundant 20mph signage for un-enforced speed limits - a pointless waste of taxpayers’ money given the questionable benefit.

A Smith, Heron Drive, Bicester