THIS suspected thief appeared to have run out of engine oil – so decided to steal £350 of it.

The man walked into the BP garage in Wantage Road on the B4493 about 12.20pm on December 11, and walked around the shop before approaching the shelf of motor oil.

He placed bottles in his jacket and a black bag and left the shop, but did not pay for it. Shop staff said he helped himself to £350 of oil.

The suspect is behind the door of the Oxford Mail’s Badvent Calender, a festive countdown of the county’s less law abiding residents.

This man, pictured behind door 18, is described as white, wearing a brown jacket, jeans and white trainers.

Pc Mark Russell said: “This was quite a brazen theft.

“I know people joke about going to a petrol station to do last minute Christmas shopping, but this type of theft is totally unacceptable. If anyone has approached you with engine oil for sale, we would like to hear from you.”

Call Pc Russell on 08458 505505.