I was very upset to read your article (last Monday’s Oxford Mail) about the city council asking Anthony Cotter to give up his dog, because it barks too much and to get a smaller one.

I am outraged at the people who have asked a man, who they are aware has mental health problems, to do this at this time of year.

Causing him stress like this is just insensitive. A dog is not an item that you take back and swap.

From the minute you bring a dog home, you fall in love with it, and build a wonderful relationship both ways, the bond is so so strong. I am too a dog owner and would never swap it for another one. It isn’t a product off some shelf in a shop.

Mr Cotter is rightly upset and says he is willing to live on the streets rather than give up his pet.

What a terrible position this man has been put in.

As for the barking, a smaller dog can create just as much noise as a bigger dog, if not more noise sometimes, so what is the real reason for an eviction being issued, as the neighbours say they are not aware of the issue?

Is the council going to send eviction notices to all owners of dogs which bark when the door bell goes?

I think not, so why do it to him?

I am also writing to the council and would urge anyone else who would like to support Mr Cotter to write in to them as well.

I would like to thank the Oxford Mail for bringing these sort of stories to our attention, so people get the support they need.

KIM WEBB, Queen’s Close, Eynsham