TIM W Siret states (ViewPoints, December 9) that it is the bankers who caused the economic crisis we now face, nothing to do with New Labour.

While the banks clearly played their part, the underlying reasons for the economic downturn lie deep in the Labour ideal that uncontrolled spending brings economic stability.

Mr Siret may want it to be ‘pretty much accepted’ that this was all the fault of the banks but I’m afraid it is simply untrue.

Thirteen years of massive borrowing to fund excess spending, dozens of ‘new’ Government departments full of hundreds of thousands of additional public sector workers with no tangible benefits, the most lax and abused immigration and asylum system in Europe and a benefits system that makes it more profitable for many to stay at home instead of working and we start to see the real problems with New Labour thinking.

Full of lies and spin, the public finally removed them from office and what a shifty and hopeless lot they look in opposition.

Nothing constructive to contribute, just a spent party in denial. You wouldn’t let them run a pub, let alone our country.

As for this ‘nasty’ Con/Dem Government, it brings a balanced approach to policy in very difficult times and should be welcomed and supported.

GEOFF P MORRIS, Dashwood Avenue, Yarnton