THIS isn’t about banging our drum. Rather it’s about highlighting the fact that despite the donations we have been able to make this week to three local charities, there is still much work to be done.

The Gannett Foundation, part of the Oxford Mail’s parent company, has given more than £25,000 to Oxfordshire groups.

In Carterton, the campaign for a bell to solemnly toll during repatriation ceremonies has moved one step closer; Blackbird Leys can reopen its much-missed adventure playground while charities across Oxford can continue to benefit from fresh food delivered by the Oxford Food Bank.

All thoroughly worthy causes and all local.

And that surely is the point.

Every day, of every year, volunteers in Oxford selflessly donate their time – that single most precious of commodities – so that the vulnerable and the sick of our communities are never forgotten; an astonishing sacrifice which doesn’t just start and stop with a simple financial donation.

Money, of course, is vital, and so too is hands-on support, but just as important is that our local charities never, ever feel neglected by those of us fortunate enough to look on them as neighbours.