Sir – The Oxford Fieldpaths Society and the Oxfordshire Area Ramblers recognise that a constructive response is required to the swingeing cuts to the budget of the Countryside Service of Oxfordshire County Council in order to avoid further deterioration of our Public Rights of Way (PROW).

To this end, both organisations are working with the Countryside Service to maintain adequately our footpath network by the development of volunteer PROW working parties.

We call upon like-minded countryside lovers to lend a hand — and have fun into the bargain.

The county council’s Countryside Service strives to improve access to our beautiful countryside, including maintenance of the county’s 2,500 miles of PROW.

This is a big task at the best of times, the more so after the impending 25 per cent cut to the Countryside Service’s budget.

Ramblers and OFS have long recognised that the county’s valiant efforts have to be augmented by volunteers from amongst PROW users. This need is greater than ever. If you can do gardening, you can do light path maintenance, at a level to suit you.

As well as being worthwhile it is satisfying, healthy, sociable and enjoyable. If you think that you might be willing to lend a hand, contact us.

Elizabeth Adams, Chairman, Oxford Fieldpaths Society

Pat Lonergan Chairman, Oxfordshire Area Ramblers