THERE are too many drivers dodging road tax, and too many police and their support officers willing to ignore the problem.

Cutbacks in the force amounts to total mismanagement when up to 14 officers continue to be used in roadside spot checks on drivers, while cutting back, or worse still, ignoring urban criminality which results in so many victims committing suicide.

One Oxford newsletter summed up police attitudes with the following quotation about speeding in Oxford: “The police explained their technology for monitoring speeds, though their system does not result in fines for persistent offenders.”

So what, exactly, is the point of police work?

It has become an area of modern society where political correctness is stretched to its most ridiculous extreme to ensure that the corrupt status quo remains ignored by the politicians.

We can no longer afford to waste tax payers’ money on duff policing or road tax dodgers. Both must be brought to account now.

CALUM McINNES, Tackley Place, Oxford