I CAN fully appreciate Simon Lord’s feelings on having his medication rationed (Oxford Mail, January 2).

We hear a great deal about the Postcode Lottery concerning NHS drugs, but the fact of the matter is that there is an even more insidious lottery, namely the Gender Lottery.

If erectile dysfunction had affected the female population, the situation would not have arisen. All the stops would have been pulled out to solve the problem.

Here is a quote from a national newspaper: “The female Viagra hits the NHS. A new patch for women who have lost their sex drive will become available on the NHS this week. Its makers say Intrinsa could be the female Viagra – simply type ‘female viagra’ into a search engine and you can read the full facts from many sources”.

So that’s why Simon’s medication has been cut. It’s to pay for the treatment of women who have lost their sex drive. It’s high time us men got equal treatment from the NHS, instead of being treated as second-class citizens.

LEWIS M BEADLE, Level Crossing Cottage, Appleford