I WOULD like to draw attention to an issue which has affected many of us living in Charlbury, Chipping Norton and the surrounding villages – the closure of the Dean Pit recycling centre.

Councillors Glena Chadwick (Liberal Democrat) and Eve Coles (Labour) organised a petition to the county council asking for a stay of execution.

Although this was signed by nearly 2,000 people, it was ignored and the facility closed at the end of last September.

Now we learn that the proposed new recycling centre at Kidlington has been delayed.

Instead of opening as promised in April, it will not open before the end of this year.

Moreover, promises by West Oxfordshire District Council to look at opening a recycling centre near Chipping Norton have not materialised.

It is too easy for overwhelmingly Conservative councils to break their promises without being challenged.

If we want better local services, then we need stronger opposition on our councils.

And that is within the power of each of us to deliver, with our vote.

LIZ LEFFMAN, Park Street, Charlbury