Toilette (French), Inodor (Catalan), Wc (Croatian), Zachod (Czech), Banyo (Filipino).

Just a few translations for the illustrious councillor John Tanner to have put into print for the new tourist guides to Oxford.

So visitors to this great city will relish telling their friends all about the must-see toilets and, if you plan your visit well enough, you can visit the nine great establishments of this wonderful city that also have fine latrines, bogs, outhouses or even toilets.

That’s if you can find out which establishments are offering these must-see tourist venues.

We – that’s those of us who live in Oxford – can go to France, Spain, Greece, Disneyland in Orlando, or even on a good old British holiday and, when asked by the other guests where you come from and replying “Oxford”, will then hear the sniggers and whispers and people saying: “They’re the people from toilet town.”

Who does John Tanner think he is, boasting that people from around the world want to visit Oxford because of great loos? My mind boggles.

BARRY GIBBS Leigh Croft Wootton Abingdon