THE glamorous Richard Dawkins appears to relish his infamy as the spokesman for atheism.

On BBC1’s The Big Questions he accused Christians of believing without evidence in God.

“How can we justify something that does not exist?” he asked.

Dawkins should read the lives of the saints to learn how they experienced the reality of the existence of God.

There are countless Christians alive today who can testify how their faith influences their lives… if only Dawkins would stop relishing his infamy and ask God to help him overcome his unbelief, he might be pleasantly surprised how positively God would respond and lift him out of the black hole of spiritual nothingness in which he wallows.

Richard Dawkins asks: “Why have bishops in the House of Lords?”

Answer: They are there because this is a Christian country with a Christian sovereign and to ensure that there is a Christian presence in Parliament.

“Why do we have legislation based on Christian principles?” Because in a Christian country only laws that adhere to the Ten Commandments are pleasing to God.

Sadly the 1967 Abortion Act (as now amended) proves how tragically wrong things can go when Christian principles are not applied to legislation. Dawkins glories in science that has given us nuclear missiles and could destroy us all. I glory in the miracle of God’s creation that in a mother’s womb creates new life.

ALBA THORNING York Road Headington Oxford