Fed up with your children’s demands for the latest electronic gadgets? Why not give them a stick instead, suggest Oxfordshire authors Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield.

The two environmentalists from Watlington have photographed and described 70 different ideas for creative play with sticks.

They include imaginative stick characters, as well as — of course — making a fire and cooking on it.

While many of the ideas are arty-crafty, such as making a star wand, a sun clock, fairy house or gnome castle, they also suggest plenty of more boisterous activities, such as catapult, ancient spear thrower, bows and arrows and pea shooter.

The Stick Book: Loads of things you can make or do with a stick is published by Frances Lincoln at £9.99. It will be launched at an activity day on Saturday, March 31, at the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust’s College Lake Nature Reserve, near Tring, from 11am-3pm, tel 01442 826774 or email collegelake@bbowt.org.uk