MORE than £400,000? What sort of job will be done in Oxford’s new loos (Monday’s Oxford Mail) with all that money?

One thing has been overlooked and that is that it’s not only people with jobs who may need to use a loo, but also people without jobs or loose change and without 50p to use in a loo.

In lieu of the proposed scheme the funding would be sufficient to overhaul all of the existing public toilets in Oxford and provide attendants at each for at least a few years, avoiding the need for anyone to pay to sit around on the job!

One has to wonder what goes on in the council chambers when potty ideas like this pop up.

At one time people might have spent a penny but nobody would have dreamed of spending a tanner, let alone 10 shillings (now known as 50p).

I think we’ll all be relieved when that potty scheme is given the treatment it deserves. Common sense? Simples !

JOHN MacALLISTER, Chamberlain Place, Kidlington